Education has two sides: The teachers teach and the students learn. The difference is that teachers are trained to teach. Very few students are trained to learn.

The assumption – myth – is that children learn “naturally” and nothing needs to be done about it.

Natural learning is a philosophy that encompasses two major beliefs: Children develop skills and learn according to their own natural rhythms, and we trust that each child is capable of learning on their own continuum and in their own time and their own unique way.

It is true that children are wired to naturally learn many things. We don’t have to teach children how to walk, jump, climb, talk or play. Children are naturally curious and use their senses to explore the world. They learn by observing elders and mimicking their behavior. This natural learning ability is curbed by the formal education system on two levels: First, they are asked to “be serious” which means that learning is not play but work, and they had learned everything so far by playing; and second, they are evaluated by grades and report cards which takes away the enjoyment of learning.

Making Learning Enjoyable

How do you get your child to enjoy learning again?

Dale Carnegie said that the best way to get someone to do something is to make them want to do it.

You can coax and cajole your child to sit and study. You can bribe your child with gifts and privileges. You can threaten them with consequences if they did not study. You can actually punish them for not studying. In the first case, they will do it for you. In the second case, they will do it to get the reward. In the third and fourth cases, they will do it out of fear. However, none of these will achieve anything. The only way to make them achieve anything out of studying is when they want to study, and when they enjoy learning.

Tony Robbins, in his sales training, used the acronyms ERBN, LRBN and DRAB – Emotional Reasons to Buy Now, Logical Reasons to Buy Now, and Dominant Reasons to Avoid Buying. The premise is that while we human beings pride ourselves in the use of logic to make decisions, most of our decisions come from our emotions and we use logic to justify it. This is more so in children – they are not yet in the habit of making logical decisions – and more so with tweens and teens whose hormonal levels ensure that their lives are largely driven by emotions. Therefore, to make them learn because they want to (using Dale Carnegie’s principle), we give them emotional reasons and hold them in place with logical reasons (using Tony Robbins’ principle).

Most middle school, high school and college students are passionate about something. As a parent, you either already know or can determine what your child feels strongly about. Help your child realize the passion while you demonstrate your own passion. Leverage the passion for one thing to other related areas. Show how all knowledge is linked. Through this journey, your child will become passionate about learning about everything.

Incidentally, the passion to learn will lead to feeling confident about himself/herself. This leads to a “Can do” attitude.

Structured and Consistent Learning

The ability to learn will help a person not only to successfully navigate through school and college but also through the rest of life.

Learners will be able to adapt to any situation and change with the times. Learners will be able acquire new skills when needed and grow into new roles in their careers. Learners will be able to succeed where others fail.

Turbo Learner’s Super Student System is a framework for acquiring, applying, adapting and augmenting knowledge and skills in a structured and consistent manner.

For more details or to assess the fit, book a Discovery Call today! Simply follow the link:

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